1. Get the sources from�http://www.gprolog.org/gprolog-1.4.3.tar.gz 2. Uncompress it by double clicking file or from the terminal window using: � �tar xfz gprolog-1.4.3.tar.gz 3. Go to src dir in the gprolog-1.4.3 folder by typing: � �cd gprolog-1.4.3/src You need to put in the whole path (/Users/username/.../ gprolog-1.4.3/src. It helps to have a finder window open. 4. Configure it by typing: � � ./configure --prefix=/opt/local/ 5. Compile it by typing: � �make 6. Install (you must have permissions) by typing: � �sudo make install This installs gprolog in /opt/local with binaries in /opt/local/bin (Also include, if you can, /opt/local/bin to your PATH variable, or else add it in your .bash_profile file.)